Henglong International GmbH
Henglong International GmbH

Henglong International GmbH

         Henglong, founded in 2014, operates the business covering many areas of plastic recycling, household goods, electronic equipment, machinery, educational promotion, exhibitions undertaking and so on. In Europe and China we have a wide range of business information network, partners in more than 10 countries across Europe, we can provide the different service supports for customers between Europe and Asia to explore the European and Chinese markets and sourcing, establish sales networks and different promotion services.

Industry Plastic Recycling

Bio Engineer Products

Others Services

In unserem finden Sie Produkte jeder Marke und jedes Herstellers zu erschwinglichen Preisen.

In unserem Geschäft bieten wir Ihnen eine großes Sortiment an Waren und Produkten in hoher Qualität und zu erschwinglichen Preisen.

Hier finden Sie uns

Henglong International GmbH


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Tel: 0049(0)40 36161699

Fax:0049(0)40 36161698



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